martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Stupid Love Story

There was a girl who didn’t believe in love, she never did, and she didn’t want to.

Until one day, she saw him. A young boy with long hair, not that cute, but there was something in him that made her crazy about.

Since that day, she didn’t stop thinking about him. And as long she liked him more, she cared less the fact that he didn’t knew that she existed.

She never found the right time to introduce herself, he never saw her. As long she tried, she never could.

The pictures of him were all around her bedroom. That made her happy, even though she was stopping believing that she was going to meet him someday.

… That’s the problem of being in love of a famous person.

Her friends called her crazy, but she didn’t think that way. Those feelings were special for her, it wasn’t just a ‘celebrity crush’, it was more than that. And she didn’t care about what people thought.

One day, her best friend told her that she had a surprise for her, she didn’t ask, and she followed her.

When her best friend stopped in front of a door, she told her to close her eyes. She didn’t doubt, and obviously she did it. Her best friend took her hand and took her inside the place.

“Open your eyes”

The big surprise was that they were inside of a room where it was her idol.

She almost passed out, but she didn’t. She didn’t believe that she was there, in front of him. She didn’t know how that could happen. She didn’t cared.

She smiled, and he smiled. She didn’t said a word. She was just watching his eyes, in silence.

Unfortunately, the security guard came into the room, announcing that they had to go.

She almost cried. She hugged him as strongest as she could, she didn’t wanted to let him go, but she had to do it.

She wave goodbye, and she left with a huge smile on her face.

Her life was complete.

Don’t stop believing.

1 comentario:

  1. Javi , está muy bonito c: me encantó. Me sentí realizada leyendo esto , y hasta me emocioné {créeme que no exagero}. Bueno , de paso aprovecho de agregarte por blogger.
